  • 16 Golders Green Ct, Whitby, ON L1R 2T1
What things are covered in support?

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the theme. So we will do the following: - Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should) - If you have any question we will answer it - After your installation if you face

What happens after my support is expired?

After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get a 1-year support in total.

Is the theme supported?

Yes, SaasLand comes with ThemeForest’s standard 6 months support. We conduct the support via theme’s “Comments” section and also our support ticketing system.

Is the price of the theme one-time or recurring (monthly/yearly)?

The payment is one-time. After you pay the one-time price of the theme, you will never be charged for it. But you can buy extended support after your support expires after 6 months.

Is there a warranty on my item?

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About Us

Our interlocking and landscaping company in Toronto is devoted to our customers. So, we offer such designs and materials which will impress the customers to their core. We are attentive to every detail, and we pay heed to our customer’s demands.

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